Durable Quality: Made of nonwoven polypropylene, this sturdy tote bag won‚ let your trunk-or-treat candy down. Plus, you can easily store the reusable bag away year after year. Multi-purpose: This tote bag can carry a wide range of everyday essentials, including busy books, toys, groceries, snacks and more! Bring it along with you to family gatherings, class and church or even the store. Eco-Friendly: Ditch the plastic bags and go green with this eco-friendly tote bag! Mother Earth is sure to appreciate the gesture, so go ahead and gift this tote bag to your youth group or families in your congregation while you‚are at it! Product Description: Kids can carry ALL the candy with a sturdy trunk-or-treat tote that can be customized with your organization or church name and distributed to guests at trunk-or treat, fall carnival or hayrack ride. You can even fill them with coloring pages and busy book items and pass them out at church for kids to use at Halloween. Nonwoven polypropylene.15 1/2" x 15 1/2" with 11" handle. © OTC Size: 15 1/2" x 15 1/2" with 11" handle.Quantity: 48Material: Nonwoven Polypropylene. Personalize with 3 lines of text