Use this hop filter bag during your boil to keep your hops from getting into your primary fermenter. The tightly woven polyester fibers stand up to boiling temps, keep pellet hop particles out of the kettle, and also allow ample flow of wort through the bag to achieve high hop utilization.
The hop bag is 6" wide by 23" long. If using a shorter kettle, roll the bag over on itself so the bag isn't resting on the bottom of the kettle.
Fits most hop spiders, or can be attached to the side of a kettle using clips.
The hop spider bag is reusable! After use, discard hop remenants, and soak in your preferred brewery cleaner. After soaking, rinse with water and store until your next brew day.
Winemakers: The Hop Spider is also a great tool to keep oak chips, and grapeskins separate from your wine.